Building Applications in Delphi Using the Visual Component Library - Part 3
Conquering TListView, TTreeView, and Dialogs
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Building Applications in Delphi Using the Visual Component Library - Part 3
We've covered a lot in Parts 1 and 2, but there is still lots of interesting stuff to go. Here in Part 3 we tackle two of the most complex VCL components: TListView and TTreeView, both of these are highly useful. TTreeView is used whenever you want to display hierarchical information, such as a directory structure or nodes in an XML file. Use TListView whenever you want to display a list of items, such as files, with their file name, size, modified date etc. If you are like me you will use TListView regularly when building applications.
In the second half we cover all of the dialog components, you will find yourself using the various open and save dialogs all the time, so it is important to know them inside and out.
Next we examine context sensitive help (pressing F1) - a highly important topic for the usability of your applications. Then finally we look at a few of the remaining controls and a number of additional properties on TForm.
Course Length 6 hours
This course is also included in these bundles:
Building Applications in Delphi with the Visual Component Library - Complete 3 Course Bundle ($99)
The LearnDelphi.TV Mega-Pack Bundle (10 Courses / 33+hrs) ($199)
Your Instructor
I have been programming in Delphi since 1999, primarily building and maintaining applications for the real estate, banking and legal industries here in New Zealand, in these roles I have also used other technologies such a C#, Ruby on Rails, Android/Java, but Delphi is my favorite environment. I have presented at numerous online CodeRage conferences, these conferences last for an entire week with thousands of participants (the replays for all of my presentations are available on this site), and I was an international guest speaker at ADUG in 2013. Most of my videos also appear on YouTube, for which I have over a million views, and over five thousand subscribers.
In 2012 Embarcadero invited me to join a select group of Delphi experts from around the world to form the Embarcadero MVP program, to which fewer than 100 people worldwide have been admitted (I'm the only one from New Zealand).
I also play guitar, invest in real estate, regularly work out at the gym, and of course maintain the courses.
Course Curriculum
PreviewIntroduction (0:42)
PreviewCreating Dynamic Element Images (17:25)
PreviewTListView (89:17)
StartTTreeView (69:48)
StartTOpenDialog and TSaveDialog (18:50)
StartTOpenPictureDialog and TSavePictureDialog (2:40)
StartTOpenTextFileDialog and TSaveTextFileDialog (9:27)
StartTOpenFileDialog and TSaveFileDialog (23:45)
StartTFontDialog (10:22)
StartTColorDialog (3:27)
StartTFindDialog and TReplaceDialog (9:49)
StartTPrintDialog, TPrinterSetupDialog and TPageSetupDialog (10:45)
StartTTaskDialog (21:11)
StartTGauge (3:15)
StartTColorGrid (2:19)
StartTSpinEdit (4:09)
StartTFileListBox, TDirectoryListBox, TDriveComboBox, and TFilterComboBox (2:48)
StartTNotebook and TTabbedNotebook (3:55)
StartTOutline (2:13)
StartTDBLookupList and TDBLookupCombo (obsolete) (0:29)
StartTHeader and THeaderControl (19:44)
StartHelp (22:53)
StartForm Properties (19:10)
StartProgress so Far (0:37)
StartSummary (2:44)