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ITDevCon X - Online Edition
IT Devcon 2019 - Day One (English)
Opening Keynote - Fabrizio Bitti & Daniele Teti (19:38)
LoggerPro Deep Dive: SysLog Example - Emilio Pérez (38:46)
Patterns for Pragmatists (Part 1) - Primož Gabrijelčič (45:45)
Patterns for Pragmatists (Part 2) - Primož Gabrijelčič (46:56)
Handle Processes with Kaban - Daniele Teti (54:03)
IT Devcon 2019 - Day Two (English)
My Code is Slow. What Can I do about that? - Primož Gabrijelčič (49:51)
Using FireDAC with the “World's Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database” a.k.a. PostgreSQL - 55min - Emilio Pérez (40:27)
Delphi Present and Future - Marco Cantù (57:18)
REST framework comparison - Emilio Pérez (43:34)
Back to basics: Enumerators - Primož Gabrijelčič (28:14)
Back to basics: Enumerators - Primož Gabrijelčič
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